Monday, February 25, 2008

Words of wisdom?

Chanced upon a quote while i was online today, it went something like 'A man is only as faithful as his options are,' and I know it's something guys know in their hearts (and some will not admit to) while girls scorn at the sight of those words. Indeed, one can pride himself for not giving in to temptation in one hand, but on the other one can argue that little was there to tempt him in the first place.

It's little wonder that people nowadays can have as many steads as the number of times i change my underwear in a month (and i am a particularly hygienic individual) And most of the time it's a case of one party just being plain sick of him/her while the other is left in a shattered emotional state, from my experience anyway, first hand or otherwise.

Cows may be fluffy, but I like penguins more.
Sunday, February 24, 2008


Tottenham just won the Carling Cup, lol. Massive pressure from Chelsea in the end but it was really a case of too little too late. But seriously speaking, I have my own little obstacle to clear, and you'd know what it is if you've been paying attention. Honestly I'm no closer to finishing it, most unfortunate.

If Saturday was gears of war day, Sunday was fifa day. No doubt my addiction to xbox live is doing me more harm than good. I won't be too surprised if I have to spend a sleepless night or two closer to the presentation.

Speaking of harm, this project has really overtaken pretty much everything else in my life. I fucked up my role as drama teacher in my church cause i woke up late today, was working on my clip til about 4am-ish. Had a fall out with my mum, that was pretty fucked up too, my Dad had to step in to diffuse the situation. And amid all these, the one thing which I really hope not to fuck up is the presentation. Everything else can be fixed; hopefully, later. My holidays are only a week away. Yet as they always say.. I'm so close yet so far.
Saturday, February 23, 2008

5 more days

Yeah, 5 more short days to the BIG presentation. I really got alot riding on it, and i really got alot to do before everything's ready. Portfolio, my posters and dvd covers aren't done yet, but I'm more of a last minute kinda guy, and most of my best works do come from last minute work, lol.

Yet now here I am, playing gears of war after spending the whole Saturday slacking. At least I'm done with the horrible task of finishing my coloured animation clip.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Is it that time already?

At long last I return to the hellish depths of blog writing, after a lengthy period of just being plain lazy. Yet there isn't much to talk about at all. My social life (yes, i do have one) has taken the backseat the past month of so because of the shuddersome studio project 2. Some may think we have it easy because we don't have exams and shit, but coming from someone on the inside, the answer to that would be an obvious no.

Granted, I did go through extra lengths to torture myself even further. Such as being a stubborn bastard and insisting to myself that i have to do a coloured movie-clip. No Daryl, black and white just doesn't cut it. And so i have to export and colour every single fucking frame. Still, this will be those kinda things where it takes forever to do, but once you're done the sense of gratification is so immense. Yup, it's all about the gratification.

It's 4:25am now and I get the niggling feeling I should be doing something more productive than just sitting here and thinking what to write, like.. sleeping. To be awfully honest, the holiday mood is slowly creeping in, even though the BIG presentation is only 1 week away, and I'm not even close to getting all my work done.

I'm hungry, pizza bread here I come